Friday, March 5, 2010

Josh and Eddie

Jackie and John's son, Josh came to have dinner with us.....he was my piano student many years ago....and also sang in the "New Life Singers" which I directed for years.....So nice to see him, too!
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Hal, Eddie, Jackie and John

Enjoyed our visit with Jackie and John so much...They have a lovely home in Aurora, Illinois
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Eddie and Jackie

My VERY GOOD FRIEND, Jackie Schmidt. We were able to visit Jackie and John in Aurora while we were there in Illinois!!! She made a WONDERFUL dinner for us!!!
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Pete and Deb with their son, David who just won AWARDS at the mock trial tournament

We were all SO PROUD of David ....he will be a wonderful Attorney some day!!
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David with Grandpa and Grandma after the law tournaments

David is holding the award that his team won and our TALL grandson towers above us!!
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David's A Law Team from Case Western University

This is a WONDERFUL law team.....we flew to Chicago and then drove down to Notre Dame University in South Bend Indiana with Deb and Pete to watch the MOCK TRIALS. His team did so well and are now going to compete in a super regional tournament in Waukegan, Illinois on the 13th and 14th of March. He'll be home for spring break. David received a 10 point award which is the BEST!! First time we have seen him be an attorney...both Defense and Prosecutor!! It was a GREAT experience!!!
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